Welcome to Court Lane Infant School, a community who 'reach for the stars'
We want all people in our community to flourish, leading happy, healthy lives with skills and attitudes to adapt in an ever-changing world, and in doing so fulfil their aspirations and dreams.
Our values that run through our core are:
BELIEVE ….. We cultivate a growth mindset ethos, with positive attitudes and development of every pupil’s learning behaviours, to support children to have confidence to try and then succeed in small steps for each learning journey. Our partnership with parents is essential and valued when encouraging young children to attain high standards of effort, achievement and behaviour. United we can achieve so much more to help children feel proud of success, support their next steps and celebrate their individuality.
INSPIRE….. We want children to enjoy and achieve now so they feel good about themselves and have a thirst for learning more. In order to do this we have to find out what they can already do, how they learn best, what interests them and how we can engage their curiosity, light their imaginations and deepen the learning. The School, Community, LA and University links help us to network widely to do this. Perhaps you can help us too?
ACHIEVE…… We have high expectations and ambitions that we strive hard to achieve for every individual, improving high standards and maintaining a positive reputation within the community.
As a professional and dedicated staff team we track the progress of each child and intervene to target additional support to ensure our high standards of progress and behaviour are maintained. Collaboration is the key to our continued success. We are delighted to work with and be supported and challenged by The University of Chichester Academy Trust and all the schools within the MAT. We continue to be active participants in Local Authority networks.
We have synergy with and share expertise with Court Lane Junior School, so pupils move seamlessly through a sequential learning experience. Court Lane Academies benefit from collaboration and recognise the specialisms and unique selling points of each school. We share the same site and believe in 'One Community, two schools, and achievement for all." The Professional Services teams operate across both Academies for consistency and sustainability.
We hope you will join our community for years to come, capturing the enthusiasm and energy of young learners in order to inspire them to develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
Best Wishes
Mrs K Geddes
Headteacher of Court Lane Infant Academy