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Court Lane Infant Academy

We aim to provide an ambitious, inspiring and progressive R-2 curriculum that nurtures the growth of the whole child, providing them with the essential knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. 

Our curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated depending on the needs and interests of the children. 

To read our Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement please click here  

Please see further information below about Art at Court Lane Infant School. 


Curriculum Overview

Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Please look at the progression of knowledge and skills chart to show the core knowledge, skills and vocabulary that we will be teaching in Reception at Court Lane Infant School

Year R

Topic Focus Sheets

Please look at the focus sheets below to find out more about what the children will be learning in their topics including the learning objectives, skills progression and key vocabulary. 

Year 1

Spring 1

Spring 2

Year 2

Spring 1

Spring 2