Court Lane Infant School has 5 Learning Behaviours.
Absorption: you are engrossed in what you are doing.
Managing Distractions: you know what distracts you and you try to minimise distractions. If you are distracted you settle back quickly to learning.
Noticing: you notice how things look, what they are made of or how they behave. You notice important detail.
Perseverance: you keep on going despite difficulties, you find ways to overcome them, you recognise that learning can be a struggle but this does not stop you from learning.
Questioning: you are curious about things and people, you often wonder asking "How come?", ‘’Why’’ and "What if?"
Making Links: you look for connections between experiences or ideas, you try to connect ideas and work out how things fit together.
Imagining: you picture how things might look, sound, feel, be, you let your mind explore and play with possibilities and ideas.
Reasoning: you create logical arguments, you predict what might happen and you look for evidence.
Interdependence: you know how much help you may need from others to assist your learning, you can choose to work on your own or with others.
Collaboration: you manage your feelings when working with others, you understand how to work effectively as a team member.
Empathy and Listening: you put yourself in other people's shoes to see their point of view. You show good listening skills, you try to hear feelings and thoughts behind someone's words.
Imitation: you are ready to learn from others, noticing the way others may do things.
Planning: you think about what you want to get out of learning, you plan the steps you might take, you find the resources you may need.
Revising: you reflect on your plans as you go along, you monitor how things are going and change your plans when you've had a better idea.
Distilling: you think about experiences, drawing out what you have learnt from experiences and think about where else you might use this.
Meta-Learning: you are interested in how you learn. You know your strengths and weaknesses as a learner, you are interested in becoming a better learner.
Being Brave: you are able to face a fear and overcome the unknown. Through this you develop your self-esteem, whatever the outcome.
Accepting a challenge: you accept a challenge you set yourself or set by others. You understand that a challenge extends your thinking. You break down the challenge into bite-size pieces.
Choosing to try something new: you are willing to put yourself out of your comfort zone making your own choices. You consider the risks.
Give it a go: you give it a go, even though you might make mistakes. You widen your ideas of what you can achieve and do.